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Saturday, November 5, 2011

November Essentials

Each month, I'll be posting the essentials - things that I've spotted in various stores that are simply must-haves. They are going to be relatively inexpensive, by the way (because by various stores I mainly mean drugstores.) 

  1. Scent: Warm Vanilla Sugar at Bath and Body Works. This smells sweet and warm and makes you want to cuddle up with some hot chocolate and a good book by a fireplace - the perfect feeling for those upcoming cool winter days! 
  2. Lips: Baby Lips, from Maybelline: I saw this in a fashion mag and decided to try it out. It seriously makes your lips feel super soft, so it definitely comes in handy because my lips get incredibly dry and chapped. 
  3. Mascara: Neutrogena is one of my fave brands, and it's pretty cheap compared to the ones you find in Sephora! For a simple, easy look, go for the waterproof Healthy Volume. It's basic and quick for the days when you want a couple more minutes of sleep in your warm, comfy bed (and for me, that happens often!) 

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